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Here's what they think about us:

Studio olistico, Progetto Terracuore, Ricalibrazione Planetaria ®, meditazione, teurgia, ispirazione, pratica meditativa, scoperta di se, scoprire l'ignoto, guarigione, Forze Eteriche, Forze Eteriche Planetarie, cambiare il tema natale, purificazione eterica, manifestazione, prana, qi, medicina tradizionale cinese, meridiani, chakra, orgone, COR, F-Aurea, cuore, amore, multiversi, ottave, mondi superiori, akasha, settimo strato akashico, campo eterico, campo informativo, campo olofrattale, olofrattalità, olismo, operatore olistico, benessere naturale, abbondanza, meditazioni guidate, webinar di meditazione, Dei

I met Recalibraz in times of covid 2020. I was going through a difficult period, and I spent a lot of time on the web. I found myself unintentionally on the Terra Cuore website. At the time our precious Manlio with infinite generosity decided to make available free of charge to the information fields, frequencies that could be listened to and reported in consonance. I remember the Awakening Portal that helped me so much. I spent the nights listening to him and feeling him work inside me.

From there I started trying all the ones he shared from time to time. I used them all and then dared to ask for a treat. A world has opened up to me. A precious world that has become so important as to want to undertake the whole process to become an operator. A path that offers many efficient tools that allow us to go beyond our limits, blocks, conditionings, a path that leads to inner freedom, leads back  to oneself and to the pleasure of manifesting oneself in the world.

After years of inner work, I've found tools that suit me, which help me feel good. But above all, tools that are not linked to the creator do not work according to his consonance. They are stable tools, fields that operate regardless of who created them. Tools that amplify based on the expansion of individual consciousness. Manlio and Francesco are precious, generous and free researchers.

I recommend everyone to try an experience with the Planetary Recalibration and the Degree fields

Sara Mazzoleni Ferracini
Studio olistico, Progetto Terracuore, Ricalibrazione Planetaria ®, meditazione, teurgia, ispirazione, pratica meditativa, scoperta di se, scoprire l'ignoto, guarigione, Forze Eteriche, Forze Eteriche Planetarie, cambiare il tema natale, purificazione eterica, manifestazione, prana, qi, medicina tradizionale cinese, meridiani, chakra, orgone, COR, F-Aurea, cuore, amore, multiversi, ottave, mondi superiori, akasha, settimo strato akashico, campo eterico, campo informativo, campo olofrattale, olofrattalità, olismo, operatore olistico, benessere naturale, abbondanza, meditazioni guidate, webinar di meditazione, Dei

I arrive at the Planetary Recalibration almost driven by those somewhat magical and unpredictable life circumstances that the Universe and Life often use to get us back on the move.

Already the first encounter with the introductory course and Manlio had opened enormous doors of resonance in me, which the mind struggles to clarify. I had already undertaken paths with subtle energies, in Recalibration the real difference, in addition to the undoubted added value that Manlio makes in transferring the Instrument, was made by a resonant feeling with a sort of "chamata" or "callback" that made me led to work incessantly on me with the tools that were given to me at each stage.

Starting the journey with phase 1 and finding myself Operator and Teacher was practically one. :-0 ….Recalibration primarily calls for an individual work …. Constant of, roughness, opening, etheric cleansing, consonance, listening with the Cor ... then see what your feeling really is ... and continue to act.

When you get to really love and feel into a technique, transferring it is a bit automatic, I suppose. For me it was like this. From my little experience, I see that the Recalibration protocols work on everyone independently and regardless of the preparation that one may or may not have at the beginning. The difference is made by taking full responsibility for putting yourself in the game and working on yourself, every day. Step by step, the protocols and Planetary Energies become the friends who accompany you in all circumstances, they become the variegated perfume you wear to have this earthly experience.

The Planetary Recalibration, together with the trust in the commitment and in the Group that has been created in F aurea has opened up a completely renewed scenario and my way of proceeding in life. I can only enthusiastically continue to transfer it wherever I see and feel interest in starting the journey.

I invite you to experience them, they could resonate enormously with you as well

Rosanna Giacopini

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