From the F-Aurea tradition
Planetary Recalibration ® is a Meditation practice and a theurgic approach born from the Tradition of Gruppo F-Aurea , and from the work of Manlio Di Donato and Francesco Verticchio, aimed at training highly qualified operators and practitioners, capable of revealing their own inner truth and the essence of things, thus creating capable etheric works to go deep and confident, taking action to create positive changes in one's life.
“Whether we like it or not, we are the cause of ourselves. Being born in this world, we fall into the illusion of the senses, we believe in what appears to us. Then fear assails us and we forget that we are Divine, that we can change the course of events even the Zodiac. It is not matter that generates thought, it is thought that generates matter. "
[cit. “La futura scienza di Giordano Bruno”].
Organization chart
Click for:
Advanced Solvency of Warped Ethers
Training Path in Planetary Recalibration ®
PHASE 1: Le Forze Eteriche dei Corpi Celesti, l’Akasha e la Source COR Energy.
FASE 2: Le Forze Eteriche Zodiacali e la liberazione del dolore.
FASE 3: Gli Archetipi Eterici ed il rinnovamento delle tradizioni del passato: verso nuove frontiere ispirazionali.
FASE 4: The Space between Existences and the Stellarium.
Professional training. Accessible after completing Stage 4.
Masterclass Teachers. Accessibile dopo la masterclass operatori.
In-depth courses. Accessible from PHASE 1, it is suggested that you have completed Phase 4.
Golden Numbers & Sacred Geometries.
Aether Geobiology. L’Armonizzazione ambientale e la relazione Uomo-Natura secondo i paradigmi e le pratiche del Gruppo F-Aurea.
Soul Memory: Viaggio della Memoria d’Anima.
Viaggio Eterico: Osservazione remota e proiezione a distanza.
Monographic and in-depth seminars
The monographic in-depth seminars explore areas that are only hinted at during the Recalibration process, bringing new Information Fields and Inspirations for practice. They are useful for studying etheric aspects of the work that especially concern the environment, the etheric effects of geometry, the recalibration of the home or workplace, crystals, or they explore special methods of practice and meditation.
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