FASE 1: Le Forze Eteriche dei Corpi Celesti, l’Akasha e la Source COR Energy
In Phase 1 of Planetary Recalibration ® the door of the Seventh Akashic Layer opens wide, the timeless Everywhere, from which we learn to observe ourselves and the world, lifting veils of illusions and confusion, to bring out the truth, the essence of what's this. If this is the basis of Phase 1, we then learn to refine the work with the Etheric Forces and the F-Aurea Information Fields, understanding how to operate within ourselves and beyond ourselves. Recalibration starts from understanding how spirit and matter are one, by directly experiencing the Planetary Etheric Forces of Multidimensionality, and their effects, as well as the Divine nature of the Human Being. The path is practical and is based on etheric action to dissolve scars, limiters, censorships, limiting patterns, regardless of whether they were formed in this or other existences, by us or by ancestors. The COR, the nucleus, the Inspirational identity of the operator is dignified, so that the Divine can be encountered there. One learns to interact in a deep and multidimensional way, restructuring and strengthening one's etheric field and etheric control units through simple and understandable models. The holofractal nature is explored, that is, it discloses to practitioners in a practical sense how every aspect of oneself encompasses the whole and how to operate in it.
Spirit & Matter? No! Everything is ether, everything is etheric field.
Akashic Seventh Layer Meditation.
Portal of the Akashic Seventh Layer.
Basic Planetary Recalibration Practice in the etheric field.
Practice of Recalibration of the zodiacal forces at the time of birth.
Break practice - recalibration for the release of past events.
Akashic Download and Update Practice: Stargate of Knowledge.
Etheric Anatomy: The Celestial and Telluric Dimensional Axes; the Gate of Janus.
The corpus callosum, intuitions and mindfulness.
The Human Being as a Multidimensional Being: practical exploration of the etheric, celestial and telluric dimensions.
Planetary Etheric Forces: Solar System, Earth, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Uranus.
Insight into the stars: Deneb.
The Holofractal Model of the etheric field: each part reflects the whole. - Practice.
Experiences with recalibration applied at birth and unlocking potentials in the birth chart.
F-Aurea information fields for practice.
Duration: A weekend of which 80% is practical and 20% is theory.
Investment: € .300.00
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Below you will find the answers to the most common questions, but if you do not find what you are looking for you can contact us through the Contact section.
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