Percorso introduttivo alla Ricalibrazione Planetaria

Percorso introduttivo alla Ricalibrazione Planetaria

The Introduction prepares the practitioner to understand and perceive the Etheric Forces, in order to immediately begin practicing on oneself with the methods of Recalibration. The seminar leads practitioners through meditation and listening practices to observe themselves from an external point of view, discipline the mind and heart. then to develop the first rudiments of Manual Etheric Perception, that is to measure the etheric fields with the hands. In this, the Recalibration stimulates the analysis and understanding of etheric phenomena, without resorting to beliefs, starting from direct experience and sharing the experience and then drawing the keys to understanding. The seminar then culminates with the basics of how to recall and manage the Etheric Forces of the Celestial Bodies, through special F-Aurea Information Fields, developed by us for practitioners, which together with the basic practices already allow you to work on yourself and obtain results. , increasing the Will, the Inner Strength, the mental clarity, dissolving and freeing the ether associated with critical issues, but also restoring the ability and strength of one's etheric field to manage the environmental ether.


Ether, etheric force, movement of the ether.

Inspiration and Mind of God.

Meditation practice to calm the mind.

Meditation practice to rest in the present moment.

Meditation practice to increase the will, the focus.

Meditation practice for etheric invisibility.

Manual etheric perception.

Consonant ether and dissonant ether, environmental and mental dissonances.

Etheric and practical perception experiments with information fields.

Exploration of the Etheric Forces of the Celestial Bodies.

Portal of Awakening and preparation for practice.

The Inner Work: Practicing Recalibration.

Practice to dissolve difficult issues and bring them in harmony with us.

Duration: One day.

Investment: €. 120.00

F.A.Q. - Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find the answers to the most common questions, but if you do not find what you are looking for you can contact us through the Contact section.

The original method of Planetary Recalibration was founded by Manlio Di Donato in collaboration with several colleagues, and was received largely via Channel but then verified by years of experimentation and corrections. The first Canalizations were the work of Manlio and CS, a freelance researcher in spiritual and vibrational sciences from Eastern Europe. Subsequently there was the fundamental contribution of his friend and "teacher" Francesco Verticchio, thanks to whom the method was deepened and widely tested. Manlio Di Donato's professional profile is available on

In Planetary Recalibration the subtle energies are studied with a completely new, modern, and really accessible approach, through meditation practices and absolutely secular spiritual practices.

Recalibration does not claim to be a form of alternative therapy. Instead, it is a path of inner growth that allows real liberation, and acts on conditioning; karmic inheritance of the Soul; psychic inheritance of bloodlines and ancestors; increase of will; develop the ability to manage one's psychic talents in case they are spontaneous and uncontrolled; ability to autonomously understand mind-body relationships; and unify aspects of personality by overcoming duality, such as overcoming the gap between oneself and the shadow side or the dark side by fully embracing every aspect of us. Everything happens without forcing, because we repeat it is not a form of therapy but a collaborative process based on meditation that follows your personal times, speeding them up a lot but in a safe way.

In addition, the Recalibration allows you to restructure and reprogram in a profound way, more than you imagine the subtle body and to free you from a wide range of disharmonious parasitic entities.

Finally, the Recalibration acts at a deep karmic level as it allows you to recalibrate the disharmonious aspects of the Birth Chart, that is the memorized imprint of the subtle planetary energies at the moment of birth. These effects are permanent.

Because this is what emerged from the long experimentation that was done. This happens because we are able to act by reprogramming the subtle memory at the origin of the disharmony in a real way. The results in the holistic-energetic field are not stable only when one has not acted with the necessary depth and strength, or when the triggering fulcrum of disharmony has not really been dissolved.

No. The operator does not use his body as a vehicle to transmit energy. The key to Recalibration is that we don't transmit any energy! Using your body as a battery we believe is an archaic method, surpassed by the new discoveries that have been made. It is much more efficient to learn to awaken the necessary energies in people than to be the ones to transmit them. If a person awakens his innate potential resources, he no longer needs us. If, on the other hand, a person receives energy from us, when the need arises he will come back to look for us, risking becoming dependent. In Recalibration, the individual potential is awakened to face a situation that triggers disharmony - through the dissolution of the original causes - and restructuring the subtle body in order to develop the qualities necessary to overcome the dynamic. It is precisely the powerful restructuring of the subtle body that occurs with the Recalibration that makes the fundamental difference with other paths. The subtle body is restructured and its primordial ability to manage subtle energies and govern human processes is re-created. This allows the practitioner to develop the ability to be profoundly effective, it arises from practice - not some kind of "magic", and progress is verifiable.

No. These are approaches which, although extremely different, have in common the use of dialogue. In the Recalibration, whoever receives a session can limit himself to mentioning the problem, with respect to which he wants to acquire the ability to grow. During the sessions, the more you listen to each other, the better it works. Furthermore, the help tools that are developed in those techniques based on dialogue are very different from those we propose.

Because this is what emerged from the long experimentation that was done. This happens because we are able to act by reprogramming the subtle memory at the origin of the disharmony in a real way. The results in the holistic-energetic field are not stable only when one has not acted with the necessary depth and strength, or when the triggering fulcrum of disharmony has not really been dissolved.

No. Spiritual for us is your personal inner growth as a human being, in whatever direction you freely want to proceed. TRP is a secular and non-sectarian practice, based on meditation but without mandatory precepts or a shared faith.

Recalibration was born in Italy. In this country, only a doctor or psychologist can legally talk about therapy and healing. We are aware that many energy paths speak lightly of therapy and healing. But we believe it is correct to leave medicine to doctors and dedicate ourselves to the development of human potential from the subtle point of view and of consciousness. Recalibration is therefore a practice of inner growth and a spiritual approach. We are not alternative therapy, a form of medicine, or psychotherapy. As a side effect of inner growth, various forms of discomfort can spontaneously dissolve.

No. We are not a sect or a pseudo-religious body.

We have no form of pyramid or sectarian association, there is no guru, no one is brainwashing you. Indeed, it often happens that people turn away from us because we insist on not telling them what to do to be well or not giving them mandatory precepts to follow in order to lead a spiritual life - instead we provide people with tools to decide independently and according to their free conscience in which direction to proceed.

We are aware that in the past other holistic techniques have created small sects, with relationships of subjection and fear between students and teachers. Often these methods were based on secrecy, for example, students were promised not to talk about what they were doing, under pain of the teacher's anger, they were told that the techniques were the property of the teacher and that they were not allowed to talk about them. In short, there was a high level of psychological pressure, often justified by the phrase "these are things that if they end up in the wrong hands are dangerous". Perhaps these methods were useful at the time of the Inquisition and up to the 1980s. Times have changed today and we believe we can openly share our research and achievements so that all of humanity can benefit from it.

The courses are paid as the value of the time spent by the teachers is recognized. But everything that is learned is given in free sharing under the creative commons legal license , which allows the free sharing of information as long as it is transmitted without changes and citing the source, or that in case of changes it is indicated what alterations were made. We also believe that these practices should be considered the cultural heritage of the whole of humanity.

We believe in the scientific method, that is, in the need to formulate theories, to conduct practical experiments, to detect the results, and to modify the theories based on the results in order to provide a path that is at a certain level that can be shared by as many people as possible.

It is done to protect their teaching. Anyone who wants to publicly and officially teach this method using the name Planetary Recalibration is required to take an official training course. We believe it is correct that if you want to teach Recalibration you come to teach yourself a teacher course that ensures a clean transmission of the method, free of personal variations. If you want to talk about the recalibration you are free to do so, indeed we thank you as well. But if you want to train practitioners you are asked to do so following our standards of efficacy and safety.

No. It would be unreal, but precisely on the cases in which it does not work we have done and continue to do a deep study to always improve. This very few paths do.

TRP is a collaborative process where there are no lists of possible diseases that we treat - we leave the work of physician to doctors. However, we can intervene to assist, strengthen and greatly accelerate the recovery processes.

We are not linked only to the management of psychosomatic dynamics or in emotion-body relationships, on the contrary TRP can effectively help a much wider range of situations, precisely because it is not a therapy but a self-help process that goes in the direction of amplifying your potential and dissolve the potentials that row against, those that sabotage the success of the recovery processes you are carrying out in your life.

Furthermore, if we consider that a person cannot benefit from this approach, we direct them to other professional figures.

No. This question arises from an old idea, the Soul does not need to experience the hard and difficult way we imagine, that is a very mental conception that dates back to the last century. It only takes a moment for the Soul, a single sensation to have the complete experience of the thing, it does not need to do it the hard way, quite the contrary.

The fact that it is possible to accelerate the individual path by avoiding difficult events is for me a proof that from the height of the Spirit this is given to us precisely so that we can also grow in joy, in peace, in sharing and not only in pain and hardness.

It is an old concept that is completely wrong. If an operator is sick after a session it is only because he has neglected his personal preparation, for example because he does not practice on himself, and therefore his subtle energy field is weaker than that of the person assisting. The weakness of your subtle body is the main reason why you risk taking on the ills of others. To practice with subtle energies it takes training and it is important to greatly strengthen your subtle energy potential. In TRP the subtle energy potential is not a psychological fact related to self-confidence or trust in God, but it is a parameter. It is a form of subtle energy that can be trained and amplified based on specific practices and constant training. In TRP, many practices related to self-session aimed at strengthening the subtle body are taught, and we learn to objectively recognize the parameters within which we can practice safely.

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F.A.Q. about the Courses

Below you will find the answers to the most common questions, but if you do not find what you are looking for you can contact us through the Contact section.

The easiest way is to attend the Phase 1 Recalibration seminar which introduces you to the method, with a qualified instructor. In Phase 1 you learn the basics of the method, which will then be explored and expanded enormously in subsequent courses.

The Phase 2 and Phase 3 courses serve to go much further and fully realize what we are explaining to you in these F.A.Q. In Phase 2 and Phase 3 the method deepens a lot, and allows you not only to practice as a non-professional on other people, but also to amplify the effectiveness of the practices exponentially and observe a wide range of possible applications.

The further you go, the more the depth of this practice opens up to you. It is left to you to choose how and when to proceed on your own time. However, the Phase 1 course is an introduction to the method, in which you are given a foundation that is much deeper and more powerful than many other paths. In Phase 2 and Phase 3, on the other hand, you develop different tools, which complement and enormously develop what was seen in the first course.

Yes. There are several in-depth monographic seminars that further explore the themes of the Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3 courses. But the main path is the 3 Phase one.

For example, there is a Phase 4 course that is proposed for operators and practitioners who already have a lot of experience.

There are three ways to be officially recognized as a Planetary Recalibration Operator:

1. Complete the three-year period "Tensio-Thin Energy Sciences and Techniques" which is an academic path for the professional training of holistic operators, organized by H.A.M.O.R.S. ( Humana Multidisciplinary Holistic and Experimental Research Academy ) in which you learn the entire path of Planetary Recalibration, deepen it enormously and complete it with an internship with final exam, as well as supporting it with other subjects such as physiology, psychology, anatomy, etc. The three-year period includes all Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, Phase 4, and three monographic seminars (perception of subtle energies and presence mental; regression in past lives; water and subtle archetypes), as well as several days of in-depth study, and study on how to apply care for Recalibration in various situations.

2. After completing the courses of Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, you can take a special course for operators, which requires an initial exam to be able to address which areas of your training to improve and foresees an internship to do so.

3. Follow a private course with Manlio Di Donato which follows the official course for operators but is targeted on you.

It is necessary to attend the course for teachers, which is accessible after completing the course in 3 phases, and whose admission is subject to an initial examination. The initial exam has the function of helping us understand in which areas to tell you to concentrate to develop the necessary preparation.

In the first courses, a form of meditation is practiced that activates access to the channel of consciousness capable of managing subtle energies and reprogramming memories in the Akashic field. This is a faculty that we all have in latency, and that clicks into all participants - but it can take time to understand how to use it. It's easy to learn to ride a bike, but figuring out where you want to go and how far you can go takes practice.

Based on this, the ability to perceive subtle energies through manual perception is trained.

And numerous practices are learned to help in the most disparate situations and to work on a wide range of disharmonies and discomforts.

Because we founded the TRP precisely to be able to give the world a practice that was you can, really effective, and above all free from all forms of subtle crap - pacts, vows, constraints, forms of conditioning, conditioning entities, subtle seals, subtle chips, etc. .. as we had encountered in other paths. And then to provide a way to get rid of that very same subtle crap.

Do not do it. But if you know an objective method of evaluating subtle energies then tune into the consciousness field of Planetary Recalibration, and you will see some good ones. The field of consciousness of the Recalibration itself, or the subtle energy field in the Akash of the Planetary Recalibration, can trigger processes of subtle cleaning.

No. You remain a human being, but you acquire tools and a lot of awareness that allow you to manage your life completely and with more courage.

No. Only those who want it. We do not believe that TRP is suitable for all people in the world but only for those who wish to explore, release, and grow themselves by developing real tools to manage subtle energies.

All those who pass the final exam of the path for operators.

Tutti quelle Anime dotate di Cuore e Saggezza e che completano il percorso per insegnanti. Ad un insegnante viene chiesto di trasmettere la Ricalibrazione Planetaria seguendo il programma dei corsi uguale per tutti e tenendo gli stessi investimenti richiesti uguali per tutti.

No. Although we believe it is essential to be autonomous in the way we choose to practice, teachers and practitioners are asked to update their practice by following a specific annual meeting to deepen the practices and to exchange opinions, results, help us on difficulties, and do research together.

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